Class Descriptions

TRX workout equipment at a fitness gym in Littleton, NH.

TRX Training

The TRX stands for Total Body Resistance and is a revoltionary workout method that uses your bodyweight and gravity as resistance to build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, and core and joint stability. You will fire up muscles you may have never felt before.

We will utilize this tool in multiple ways and always providing a fun but challenging routine that will keep your body challenged and get the results you desire. 

There is always a warm-up and cool-down provided with the 40 min routine that you will love. We will add additional props and weight to this class as our bodies get stronger.


Pilates mat will focuses on strength, stability, posture, proper breath control, and flexibility. Each class will work to balance all muscle groups' strength and flexibility, with an emphasis on challenging the core muscles with each movement. The class will lengthen and strengthen the muscles while giving you a full-body workout. Classes will be taught using slow, controlled movements. We will sometimes use the TRX for added intensity & support.

All you need to bring is: yourself,  something comfortable to move in, and socks.

Pilates fitness class in Littleton, NH.
Muscle sculpting fitness class.


Our signature strength training class. This uplifting class we use sustainable, low impact, circuit training to work on strengthening the larger muscle groups that we use in everyday life.



This invigorating, heart-pumping class will help you build stamina and improve heart function. You will move your body through a wide range of full-body dynamic moves at a quick pace. 

We will utilize our bodyweight as resistance and some times add additional weight and props when neccessary.

(HIIT = High Intensity Inverval Training)

High Intensity Interval Training in Littleton, NH.


Barre takes elements of pilates, yoga, full bodyweight moves, & standing ballet/dance moves and mixes them together into a fun, dynamic full-body workout. If your goal is to improve posture & strengthen the deeper core muscles in a low impact way Barre might just be your go to workout. No ballet or dance experience neccesary! 

Mobility + Stability

In this class you will improve the function of your body as a whole. We will start each class with self-myofascial release techniques and follow them with dynamic moves to encourage proper function at each joint. 

During class we will get into those tighter areas of the muscles that inhibit your range of motion and work to release them one at a time. This is slow , controlled, releasing movements that require some fine tuning.

You may sweat, you may not BUT you will definitley move better and recover better with one MOBS class per week.

Mobility and Stability equipment for releasing muscle tension.

HIIT Body Movement

Integrating music with movement for a body and mind connection and release. Our movements will build upon the music. Using our vulnerability as strength we let go of any tension from the week and set ourselves up for a great weekend. Does this mean jumping jacks, burpees and a whole lot of fun? Yes it does!